Sunday, November 13, 2011

Weekend 2 "Big Ideas, New Learnings, or Reflections"

The topic of work-life balance has been on the for front ever since I started the Drake Program last Fall and it seemingly keeps being brought up.  I'm not even holding an administration position but feel that the multiple roles (or multiple hats I wear) as a wife, mother, teacher, student, daughter, sister, friend are constantly in competition with one another.  As of right now my personal and professional roles are time and energy intensive so how will I ever be able to balance when I'm in administration!? 

After reading the article, "Making Friends With the Clock," I had my ah-ha moment and/or reassurance that I'm on the right track to finding balance in my hectic life, both personal and professional.  Just as the article states, "you need to manage the clock by taking control, involving others, and making smarter decisions," and I did just that (along with my husband) by making friends with Google Calendar.  This simple tool, in the short month or two we have been using it, is helping us wrap our hands around all the things that happen in a day, week, and month in our lives. It makes us aware of each other schedules and enables us to know how we can help each other out in managing it.

I'm beginning to think there is and can be balance when you learn how to work smarter, not harder and involve others to help.

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