Sunday, October 30, 2011

Weekend 1-Big Idea: Use of Technology in Education

Before this weekend and reading the syllabus stating that I would need to get a Twitter account and Blogger account set up prior to class starting, it made me go hmmmmm, questioning why and how these two social media outlets would help me become a better instructional leader. Let's just say I was a little apprehensive. To me I have better things to do than check who commented on my status on Twitter and/or who is reading my blog. I can honestly say my beliefs were challenged and I may be turning over a new leaf in this "technological savvy"world of social media outlets.

I now have my own Twitter account and am obviously blogging so I'm slowly starting to see the benefits of both if used correctly. I need to keep in mind that these outlets can be advantageous to my profession by using it as a learning tool and collaborating with educators just like myself. I am finding within just the first 24 hours of exploring this new world that there is a lot of forward thinking happening out in the media world and if I don't take advantage of this I'm doing myself a diservice.


  1. I think that with twitter and blog that it may become easier to be a lifelong learner. With all the access that these technologies provide, I think it makes it easier to get to the relevant information faster. I agree though, there is a huge learning curve and one that we must all struggle with while getting up to speed.


  2. I am glad that you are figuring out your Twitter. I am loving technology but feeling extremely overwhelmed with it right now.

  3. Between school and this class I have five new technologies that I am suppose to be using. When presented with so much at once it becomes overwhelming and discouraging. I can see the benefits so I am spendig a lot of time "playing" trying to figure things outs. I can see why Luddites shut down and turn off. Administrators have to find time and resources for continuous technical support.
