Friday, December 9, 2011

Management Tasks and Functions Contribute to Student Learning

We know school leaders need time, capacity and support to focus on the practices most likely to improve student learning but that can't be accomplished until leaders set priorities about what's most important when dealing with management tasks.  This to me means delegating in order to find and protect instructional leadership time.

Without management, chaos will prevail and efforts for improvement will certainly fail; yet, if a principal attempts to manage a building alone, there will rarely be time for anything else.  Management tasks must be done but not necessarily done only by the principal.  The ability to delegate, trust staff members, manage your time, and to organize duties will directly affect the balance that must be maintained 

If a leader is able to manage a school well the best outcome will occur and that is student learning.  By managing well it will allow the instructional leader to plan, engage, collaborate, support, and appreciate their teachers and staff ultimately impacting student achievement and reaching the goals for the building.

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